The Global Center for Human Change*, has acquired the rights to his book and is making it available to every person world-wide as a FREE DOWNLOAD - a first immersion in Richard’s 8-week full program.

The Global Center for Human Change*, has acquired the rights to his book and is making it available to every person world-wide as a FREE DOWNLOAD - a first immersion in Richard’s 8-week full program, ‘A Template for Human Change’. ‘There is a growing consensus across many fields of science that only an integral address to change from a new level of consciousness can avert global catastrophe’ says GCHC President Kay Dundorf.
We are at a shift point of major transformational change taking place in ourselves. Richard Bowell’s ground breaking work shows that the address to each and every challenge we face as citizens of this world, from gender inequality to global warming to conflict, begins inside ourselves SEEING and becoming conscious of our true purpose.
His book ’An Urgent Plea from the Future’ - a guide to becoming a Conscious World Citizen’ shows that the only way we can effectively address these challenges as they are laid out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals is from a new level of consciousness in ourselves. Only by transforming ourselves can we transform the world around us beginning in the present moment and what we can do right now!

Examples of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Richard’s accompanying SDG Alignments.